We keep telling our kids that they are the leaders of tomorrow… Well, we are the leaders today, what are we doing to ensure positive change?

Complaining doesn’t count…action does.

We all know that financial ignorance is dangerous….and expensive and yet do not adequately prepare our kids to handle, manage or even think about money.

And this ignorance feeds the cycle of debt they inevitably get sucked into.

Research has shown that just 10 hours of financial education can positively impact kids spending and saving habits. And that kids who take such courses are more likely to save, less likely to be compulsive buyers and less likely to max out their credit cards.

So we have the science backing this… We know what needs to be done and how to do it.. what’s stopping us?

The hope that our kids will magically learn how to manage money before they leave home, even though this isn’t taught in school, high school or college and most of us don’t have meaningful conversations about money with our kids?

We need to write a new narrative for our kids… in which they are taught how to manage money smartly and responsibly….in which they have the skills and the resulting confidence to make smart financial decisions…. And in which they use this knowledge to live fulfilling lives.

The Kids Finance Initiative has been at the forefront of financial education in the UAE for the last 3 years and we are now spreading our knowledge and expertise in the GCC and India.

We are doing our damndest to ensure that kids are financially literate…. Are you?