Our experience over the last two years has enabled us to come up with a ‘Secret Sauce’ that we will now use in all our programs.

It is elegant in its simplicity and hugely effective in getting kids to learn, understand, and retain the concepts we teach.

Our ‘Secret Sauce’ is BEST is an acronym for Believe, Engage, Show-up, and Teach:

B – Believe: All behavior is belief-driven, and like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re absolutely right”. So, we first get the kids to eliminate all negative self-talk and believe in their ability and in the importance of what they’re learning.

E – Engage & Exercise: We make sure the kids engage in class, and this, in turn, boosts their attentiveness and retention. And we also encourage them to exercise what they learn because practice makes permanent.

S – Show Up: Our programs usually run in 4-week cycles, and each weekly session builds on what was covered the previous week. We ask kids to commit to attending every session on time and with a determination to be fully present.

T – Teach: At the start of the program, we ask every kid to nominate someone that they will commit to teaching (a sibling, a friend, even a parent) whatever they learn in the program. When they teach, they learn twice. For them to teach, they really have to own the content, and that is exactly what we want. Teaching someone, in addition to benefitting the person being taught, is also the best way to learn.

While we have used these elements at various times in our program, we will now incorporate and stir this into every interaction we have with the kids.

We believe that this will help your kids get the most out of our ground-breaking programs, and best of all – they’re going to love it!

By Marilyn L Pinto